--- layout: base.njk title: zendo description: fleens? you're not fleens. permalink: /zendo/ --- {% css %} @media screen and (min-width: 120ch) { .sidebar-container { display: flex; } .sidebar { border-left: 0.1ch solid; padding-left: 2ch; margin-left: 2ch; width: 120ch; order: 1; } } {% endcss %} # {{ title }} *{{ description }}* [Zendo](https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/6830/zendo) is the logical thinking game of all time. i don't think there's anything that comes close. it was [invented or discovered](http://www.koryheath.com/zendo/design-history/) in 2001 by the late Kory Heath ([GNU](https://wiki.lspace.org/GNU_Terry_Pratchett)).