--- layout: layouts/base.njk --- {# Only include the syntax highlighter CSS on blog posts #} {%- css %}{% include "node_modules/prismjs/themes/prism-okaidia.css" %}{% endcss %} <h1>{{ title }}</h1> <ul class="post-metadata"> <li><time datetime="{{ page.date | htmlDateString }}">{{ page.date | readableDate }}</time></li> </ul> {{ content | safe }} {%- for tag in tags | filterTagList %} {%- set tagUrl %}/blog/tags/{{ tag | slugify }}/{% endset %} <a href="{{ tagUrl }}" class="post-tag">{{ tag }}</a>{%- if not loop.last %}, {% endif %} {%- endfor %} {%- if collections.posts %} {%- set previousPost = collections.posts | getPreviousCollectionItem %} {%- set nextPost = collections.posts | getNextCollectionItem %} {%- if nextPost or previousPost %} <ul class="links-nextprev"> {%- if previousPost %}<li>Previous: <a href="{{ previousPost.url }}">{{ previousPost.data.title }}</a></li>{% endif %} {%- if nextPost %}<li>Next: <a href="{{ nextPost.url }}">{{ nextPost.data.title }}</a></li>{% endif %} </ul> {%- endif %} {%- endif %} <p>Anonymous comments will be held for review.</p> <script defer src="https://xnil.io/comentario/comentario.js"></script> <comentario-comments theme="dark"></comentario-comments>