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diff --git a/content/blog/22-typescript-flavors.md b/content/blog/22-typescript-flavors.md
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+date: 2025-02-04
+title: flavored types
+description: mmmmmm licorice strings
+ - programming
+permalink: /blog/22/
+_{{ description }}_
+hey so I like programming! I do it for money sometimes. I'm gonna talk about an interesting problem and its solution that I observed today. if you don't enjoy code for the sake of code, you can skip this one! or, if you already know what TypeScript is, you can skip ahead to [the problem](#the-problem).
+## context
+so there's this software I use all the time called TypeScript, which is like JavaScript but with types. would you like a contrived example to show why I use it? I bet you would!
+here's a snippet of JavaScript code I might write to generate some repetitive text, like the 99 bottles of beer song.
+let n = '99';
+while (n > 0) {
+ console.log(n + 'bottles of beer on the wall');
+ n = n - 1;
+counting down like this will work just fine. But if I do the opposite:
+let n = '1';
+while (n <= 12) {
+ console.log('on the ' + n + 'th day of christmas...');
+ n = n + 1;
+this won't work correctly! It'll do something like this:
+> on the 1th day of christmas...
+> on the 11th day of christmas...
+> on the 111th day of christmas...
+that's because I've mistakenly defined `n` as `'1'`, in quotes, which means it's actually a string, and not a number. when you do math on things that aren't strings, _sometimes_ it works how you expect, but not _always_. it would be nice if I had a way to scan my source code and say "whoops, did I ever treat the same thing as a string and a number without meaning to do that?" enter TypeScript:
+let n = '1';
+while (n <= 12) {
+ // TYPE ERROR: Operator '<=' cannot be applied to types 'string' and 'number'.
+TypeScript sees that I messed up, and it says "hey, that's not something you would normally do with the less-than-or-equal operator. check your types."
+you can also tell typescript intentionally 'hey, I am expecting this to be a type' and it'll throw the error even earlier:
+let n: number = 1;
+// Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'number'.
+## the problem
+okay so typescript is too clever for its own good. if two types look the same, they are the same. so I can tell typescript "hey, assign this string to that string" and it'll say "sure" even if those strings have differently named types.
+type Name = string;
+type Color = string;
+const name1: Name = 'Alice';
+const color1: Color = name1; // no error?
+most of the time this is fine. if it fits, it fits. but what if I want this to throw an error? one solution is "flavoring", as given in [this excellent 2018 article by Drew Colthorp](https://spin.atomicobject.com/typescript-flexible-nominal-typing/)
+basically, I add a "fake property" to the `Name` and `Color` types, and then TypeScript will know they're not interchangeable.
+type Name = string & { type: 'Name' };
+type Color = string & { type: 'Color' };
+const name1: Name = 'Alice';
+// Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'Name'.
+...uh. TypeScript doesn't like that anymore; it knows that `'Alice'` can't possibly be a `Name` because it doesn't have that extra field. And we can't _actually_ add that data because strings are a primitive type, they don't _have_ fields, this whole thing is just a fiction to make TypeScript understand that names and colors are different kinds of strings.
+that's fine though! we'll make the field _optional_ so that TypeScript doesn't care whether we use it or not. and while we're at it, we'll make it _readonly_ so TypeScript doesn't think we can write to it.
+type Name = string & { readonly type?: 'Name' };
+type Color = string & { readonly type?: 'Color' };
+const name1: Name = 'Alice';
+const color1: Color = name1;
+// Type 'Name' is not assignable to type 'Color'.
+bingo! just what we wanted. now if we accidentally mix-up these types later, we'll get a nice friendly error message about it.
+if we want to use these types a lot, we might make a _type pattern_ to describe it:
+type FlavoredString = string & { readonly type?: F };
+type Name = FlavoredString<'Name'>;
+type Color = FlavoredString<'Color'>;
+we could even make the pattern _fully_ generic, but then we have to handle the case that `type` already exists on the thing we're adding flavor to. thankfully, the standard library provides the [Symbol](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Symbol) type. a Symbol is just like a string except that it's guaranteed to be unique, meaning it won't be any of the existing properties on our base object. we don't even have to make a real symbol, we can just tell typescript "imagine a symbol".
+declare const flavor: unique symbol;
+type Flavored = T & { readonly [flavor]?: F };
+type Name = Flavored;
+type Color = Flavored;
+const name1: Name = 'Alice';
+const color1: Color = name1;
+// Type 'Name' is not assignable to type 'Color'.
+remember, the `[flavor]` property doesn't really exist, it's a fiction we made up for TypeScript to catch our errors. in the output code, `name1` will still just be a string.
+and there you go! now you can be extra pedantic about all those database ids being thrown around in your code. they're not _really_ all the same type, right? you wouldn't assign an id string to a display string, ***right?***
diff --git a/eleventy.config.js b/eleventy.config.js
index da27517..8d8a309 100644
--- a/eleventy.config.js
+++ b/eleventy.config.js
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ import { EleventyHtmlBasePlugin } from "@11ty/eleventy";
import pluginRss from '@11ty/eleventy-plugin-rss';
import { JSDOM } from 'jsdom';
import { DateTime } from "luxon";
+import markdownItAnchor from 'markdown-it-anchor';
/** @param {import('@11ty/eleventy').UserConfig} eleventyConfig */
export default function(eleventyConfig) {
@@ -129,6 +130,20 @@ export default function(eleventyConfig) {
return a;
+ // Customize Markdown settings
+ eleventyConfig.amendLibrary('md', (mdLib) => {
+ mdLib.use(markdownItAnchor, {
+ permalink: markdownItAnchor.permalink.ariaHidden({
+ placement: "after",
+ class: "header-anchor",
+ symbol: "#",
+ ariaHidden: true,
+ }),
+ level: [1,2,3,4],
+ slugify: eleventyConfig.getFilter("slugify")
+ });
+ });
// Features to make your build faster (when you need them)
// If your passthrough copy gets heavy and cumbersome, add this line